Portable Headphones Amplifier

Posted on Sep 2, 2012

Can be directly connected to CD players, tuners and tape recorders. Tested with several headphone models of different impedance: 32, 100, 245, 300, 600 & 2000 Ohms. Schematic shows left channel only. B1, SW1, J1 & C3 are common to both channels. R3 value was calculated for headphone impedance up to 300 Ohms. Using 600 Ohms loads or higher, change R3 value to 100K.

Portable Headphones Amplifier
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

Current drain: 35mA per channel with 32 Ohms impedance headphones. Much less with higher impedance loads Output voltage: Above 2V peak-to-peak on all loads Sensitivity: 90mV RMS input for 2V peak-to-peak output Frequency response: Flat from 30Hz

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