Guitar Tremolo Unit

Posted on Nov 27, 2012

The unit is simple to build, and does not need really low noise opamps, since they only act as a modulator oscillator. I used 1458 dual types in the prototype, and they are more than good enough. The transistors can be any low noise NPN type, and they are simply buffers, ensuring a high input impedance and low output impedance. If the unit is to built into an amplifier, it may well be possible to leave out the input transistor, since a low impedance drive circuit is probably already available from an existing opamp. It may also be possible to leave out the second transistor if a high impedance input is available at the insertion point. This is somewhat unlikely, since the most common place to have the modulator is before the tone controls.

Guitar Tremolo Unit
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

The oscillator is a simple opamp feedback type, and produces a triangle wave from the capacitor (C3). This is amplified and buffered, and fed to the LED in the opto-coupler. If you are unable to obtain this device (made by Vactrol), use a high quality Lig

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