555 Tester circuit

Posted on Feb 4, 2014

Here the NE555 is wired as an astable multivibrator. When the push button switch S1 is pressed the LEDs D1 & D2 will flash alternatively. That is when output is high D2 will glow & when output is low D3 will glow. The rate of flashing will depend on components R1, R2 & C1. When push button S1 is pressed, C1 will start charging through R1&R2. When the

555 Tester circuit
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voltage across C1 rises above 2 of 3 is the supply voltage the internal Flip Flop toggles. The pin 7 becomes low & C1 starts discharging. When the voltage across C1 goes below 1of 3 of supply voltage the internal Flip Flop resets & pin7 goes high. The C1 again starts charging. All this will take place if the IC is healthy.

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