Adjustable Regulated Power Supply 0-15V

Posted on Feb 7, 2014

Adjustable Regulated Power Supply 0-15V 1A. Adjustable Regulated Power Supply 0-15V 1A. The output voltage is stabilized and regulated in the range of 0V to 15 V, supplied with a maximum current of 1A. The schematic diagram come from circuit: Adjustable Regulated Power Supply 0-15V / 1A power supply. Go to that page to read the explanation

Adjustable Regulated Power Supply 0-15V
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about above power supply related circuit diagram. This is the schematic diagram of adjustable power supply which the voltage output can be vary from 0V up to 15V with fixed current output maximum of 1A. The circuit is very simple and easy to build, finding the components. This Adjustable regulated power supply circuit uses voltage regulator LM723 IC which are already well known. IC LM 723 is designed to provide a voltage of 2-37 volt supply voltage with 150mA current, and this current is small indeed, but. In this scheme, adjustable voltage regulator IC 78L05 is used in conjunction with the integrated audio amplifier TDA2030. Because of this, the stabilizer was very simple. The output voltage is regulated to 20 V with maximum current of 3. The Regulated DC to DC Converter circuit based on Micro Power Quad Comparator L161 IC that have ultra low power consumption. This inverter circuit convert 5 Volt DC to 12 Volt DC 5 mA. This low power dc to dc. This is a 40V Regulated Power Supply, built using IC LM317 as regulator and TIP42A as electric current amplifier. Component part: Regulated Power Supply R1 = 3R9 1 or 2W R2 = 22R R3 = 6K8 R4 = 220R R5. We aim to transmit more information by carrying articles. Please send us an E-mail to wanghuali@hqew. net within 15 days if we are involved in the problems of article content, copyright or other problems. We will delete it soon.

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