Apply a Pulse to a Speaker Using a Capacitor

Posted on Feb 5, 2014

For this project, we`re going to demonstrate how a capacitor can supply a pulse signal to a speaker. We`re going to charge a capacitor and then discharge the voltage of the capacitor to a speaker. The speaker, a transducer which turns electrical signals into sound, will play out the discharging voltage of the capacitor. What you should hear in the

Apply a Pulse to a Speaker Using a Capacitor
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end is a sharp "click sound. " When you press down the first pushbutton, Pushbutton 1, you charge the capacitor up. After a few seconds, the capacitor will be charged up to the 9 volts that the power supply is supplying it. Now release pushbutton1 and now press down pushbutton 2. The capacitor now discharges the voltage it charged up. The result is that the speaker plays out this discharging as a sharp click sound that occurs once and then fades away. This is because the capacitor discharges at 9 volts and then decreases until it`s 0 volts.

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