Arduino LED blinking with variable speed

Posted on Feb 4, 2014

Now, to perform LED blinking in varying speed, we are sure, that we need to somehow change the delay time of an LED to remain in ON and OFF stat. So the main funda is to change the argument to function delay with change in time that`s it. Here, first we initialize the variable j=1. Then, we are going in the loop. And in loop we will check the c

Arduino LED blinking with variable speed
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ondition for variable j to be less than 20. If, j is greater or equal to 20, then it will be initialize to 1. Now, we will define int l=abs(10-j). which will give the absolute value of (10-j). This is important thing if you want to design decreasing and increasing speed both by one loop. Then, we will write, int k=1000-(100*l). So, variable k will be in decreasing value function with time till j=10. Then, it will start increasing up to j=20. Now, write the statement to glow LED with calling the delay function with passing variable k as an argument. And the code is done int ledPin1=3; //Initialize ledpin1 = digital pin 3 of arduino board. int ledPin2=4; int ledPin3=5; void setup() { pinMode(ledPin1, OUTPUT); // Set ledpin1 (i. e. digital pin 3) as output pin pinMode(ledPin2, OUTPUT); pinMode(ledPin3, OUTPUT); } int j=1; void loop() { if(j=20) // Check if j=20 { j=1; // if j=20, set j=1. So that the circuit will start again } int l=abs(10-j); // Absolute value of (10-j) = l. int k=1000-(100*l); // Setting the delay function argument digitalWrite(ledPin1, HIGH); // ledpin1 is set to high i. e. ledpin1 is ON. delay(k); // Delay of k milliseconds digitalWrite(ledPin1, LOW); //ledpin1 is set to low i. e. ledpin1 is OFF. digitalWrite(ledPin2, HIGH); delay(k); digitalWrite(ledPin2, LOW); digitalWrite(ledPin3, HIGH); delay(k); digitalWrite(ledPin3, LOW); delay(k); j=j+1; // incrementing the value of j } That`s it buddy. I hope you...

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