BEAM Sonic

Posted on Feb 6, 2014

BEAMSonics is a clever little circuit designed by Wilf Rigter. It`s central function is to filter incoming sounds and count high pitched pulses, whistles, beeps etc. When it hears a certain number of beeps it will respond with a noise of its own. If left on its own it will ocasionally produce a beep anyway, just to see what else is out there. WIlf

BEAM Sonic
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s complete description of how it works can be found at the bottom of the page. After building several sonics circuits for a project I decided to rework it into a more flexable design with added features, as suggested by Wilf. The new design allows for a variety of inputs. As well as an electret mic so you can use light sensors, it also incorporates an alternative output stage to the standard piezo sounder that will drive a coil or other inductive load. This PCB allows for several inputs and outputs with the relevant components marked in different colours. Red is for standard parts and a piezo output, Green for a coil driver output, Yellow for dynamic mic input and Blue for an electret mic input. The yellow dotted oblong and square markings are for PCB Strip sockets or PCB pins. Space is provided for two preset pots that control the output oscillator frequency (Pitch) and the output pulse duration for the coil driver option. For Wilfs schematics and an explanation of how it works see the bottom of the page. The SONIC circuit is a sound processor which generates a chirp if it receives several chirps (or other sound packets) from external sources like other chirpers or human whistles. It`s function is based on a concept by Bruce Robinson and it is one of those projects that is looking for a "killer application". In the mean time this article is presented here for your enjoyment, for discussion and a test platform of related...

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