Circuit Delay and Speakers Protektor Using TL071

Posted on Feb 5, 2014

Circuit-delay relay circuit speakers is useful as a delaying / delay on the speaker that functions as a deterrent to prevent pounding of the very first amplifier is turned on. This aims to avoid memperawet speakers easily damaged. The following is a schematic drawing : This series also has advantages, namely: the case of speakers konsleting relat

Circuit Delay and Speakers Protektor Using TL071
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

ionship with amplifier circuit will be disconnected immediately, so that the speaker is safe from kebakaran. waktu waiting or delay time is approximately 5 seconds, and can be altered by changing the condenser C2 with elco smaller value. The time needed to re-open relay if the current cut off about 0. 5 seconds. Or you can try to use the circuit scheme below:

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