HF BPF Builders

Posted on Feb 7, 2014

This kit is a daughter board, designed by Jan G0BBL and Tony KB9YIG, that provides four electronically switched band-pass filters for the Softrock Lite + Xtall V9. 0 RX, replacing the single-band daughter board in the original design. The electronically switched BPF board is 2. 5 inches by 0. 95 inches. The height will be less than 0. 5 inches not cou

HF BPF Builders
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

nting the extension of the connector pins perpendicular to the bottom of the board By the way for anyone who orders one of the rx/bpf combos the standard sized project box at radio shack is a perfect fit. Great way to protect the investment and so far the receiver has been very much so worth the wait. Thanks again and looking forward to to the RXTX combos coming out. The kit will ship with parts that enable the builder to decide what bands (which "flavor") he/she desires. The board itself works for both option 1 and option 2. The differences are in the components for the first 2 bands (Caps C07 - C12 and coils L1 - L6. The board can also be used with the earlier RXTX V6. 3 and RX V8. 3 kits. However, in those cases, the builder must supply the required +5 Vdc bus (and ground connection) to the HF-BPF board, there being no matching sockets therefor on the earlier boards. Starting with v9. 0 kits shipped after 21 Feb 2009, the USB interface microprocessor will be an ATTiny85 device with JanG0BBL`s new enhanced features code. If there is interest in a programmed ATTiny85 device for an existing v9. 0 receiver, contact Tony Parks and he will price the replacement device to cover device cost, PayPal loss and mailing cost. Included in the kit is a two pin socket section to interface with J3 on the RX v9. 0 board. Wires need to be connected to the two jumper plug locations, (with the jumper plugs not used), on the switched BPF...

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