Laser-guided Ghost Climber using an Arduino

Posted on Feb 6, 2014

A ascends a route while Climber B stays on the ground and tracks Climber A`s progress with the laser pointer. The Redpointer then records exactly what route was followed. Here, the route recorded in Mode 1 is played back in real-time, projecting a laser point onto the climbing wall to illustrate the path of the previous climber as a g

Laser-guided Ghost Climber using an Arduino
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host . E. g. Climber C now turns up late to the climbing session. Climbers A, B and C all stand back and watch the laser turret replay the route Climber A took when recording in Mode 1. Climber C now knows where to climb if she wants to imitate A. This mode is a combination of modes 1 and 2 and is designed specifically for competing against a previously set route. Once a route has been recorded in Mode 1, another climber can race against it in Mode 3 and be given live feedback saying whether he/she is ahead of or behind the pace set in the recording. E. g. Climber C now climbs the same route as Climber A, while Climber B uses one laser pointer to track C`s progress. Meanwhile a separate laser pointer illustrates A`s ghost on the same wall so that C can tell if she is winning or losing the race. Every time C overtakes A`s ghost or is overtaken by A`s ghost, a buzzer sounds. At the end of the route, The Redpointer indicates whether A or C won the race. There are a few serious safety issues to consider before beginning this project. Please do not skip to the next step without first carefully considering these. Rock climbing is inherently dangerous. Obviously, this danger is largely mitigated by the careful use of ropes, harnesses and other safety equipment but the danger is always present. Never go rock climbing if you are not fully competent and confident in the various techniques involved (belaying, leading, rigging, etc....

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