MIDI circuits

Posted on Feb 7, 2014

MIDI, or Musical Instrument Digital Interface, is a specification for a communications protocol between digital synthesizers and other digital music devices. It was developed to be as simple and general as possible, to give synthesizer manufacturers as much flexibility as possible, yet still have their instruments talk to each other without communication problems. MIDI does not define the

MIDI circuits
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nature or timbre of a synthesized sound. It merely describes the action of playing the sounds. In a sense, MIDI is a markup language for synthesizers. MIDI is to digital synthesizers what HTML is to the web. As a communications and control language for musical instruments, it`s imperative that MIDI be fast. It wouldn`t do to have a key pressed on a synthesizer keyboard only to hear the note several seconds later. Because it`s fast, it`s a useful protocol to use for other interactive devices as well. Its speed give the appearance of instantaneous response to a user`s action. Although MIDI is at its core a simple protocol to grasp, there are many facets to it. It`s very powerful for that reason. This page is just enough to give you a glimpse of what MIDI can do. There are lots of good sources of information on MIDI on the web and elsewhere. For these notes, I found Paul Lehrman and Tim Tully`s book MIDI For The Professional ( ©1993 Amsco Publications, US ISBN 0. 8256. 1374. 2) invaluable sources. MIDI is a serial communications protocol, operating at 31, 250 bits per second. Each byte has 8 bits, plus a start bit and a stop bit. It operates at 5 volts DC. The standard MIDI connector is a 5-pin DIN connector, and usually all connectors on the device are female, and both ends of a MIDI cable are male. There is a specific wiring schematic for MIDI input and outputs, as follows: The hardware required for this: 2 5-pin DIN female...

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