Modify the Linksys hardware

Posted on Feb 4, 2014

This will walk through adding hardware to a Linksys WRT54GL wireless router that will take advantage of existing connections on the PCB for two UART connections, which will be exposed as DB9 serial port connectors mounted to the faceplate of the router. These connections can be used to communicate with the serial console for XINU and also to inter

Modify the Linksys hardware
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act with the Common Firmware Environment `s command line interface. Gaining direct access to CFE is a key step towards being able to run XINU on the router. NOTE: The following lists all the necessary parts. However, the following tutorial describes assembling the transceiver on one of our custom transceiver boards. One could assemble the parts of the entire transceiver properly without the board, but with more difficulty. Our transceiver board design is freely available for public use. Transceiver schematic is in postscript format, suitable for XCircuit. Transceiver PCB layout is in PCB format. Transceiver fabrication tarball contains Gerber photoplotter and CNC drill files suitable for professional fabrication. (No warranty express or implied, obviously. ) There are no screws or tools needed to open the router, just pop open the front with your thumbs as shown in the picture. Some nice illustrated opening instructions can be found for a more detailed explanation of this step. First you need to unscrew the two screws keeping the router`s board attached to the case. Once the PCB has been removed from the case, locate the serial header holes provided by Linksys. This would be a grid of 10 holes (5x2) located on the bottom-right corner of the board when the antennae stubs are on top (see the top-down photo for clarification). These ten holes hold all of the input and output for the two serial interfaces-UART0, and UART1-on...

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