Pearl CH-02 Chorus Schematic Diagram

Posted on Feb 7, 2014

The Pearl CH-02 Chorus is a long discontinued pedal with a superb sound. It has 4 knobs: DEPTH, SPEED, TONE and MIX BALANCE. The TONE knob only adjusts the tone of the effect sound and The MIX BALANCE adjusts the mix ratio between the direct and effect signal. Mix Balance: Used to adjust the mix ratio between the direct sound and effect sound. Whe

Pearl CH-02 Chorus Schematic Diagram
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n control is set at middle position, the mix ratio is 1:1. Turning clockwise increases the mix of effect sound and counterclockwise the mix of direct sound. Turning all the way clockwise gives effect sound only and vibrato may then be conveniently added. Turning all the way counterclockwise gives direct sound only. Tone: Controls the tone of the effect sound. Turning clockwise gives brighter tones. Since this control neither influences direct sound nor the overall tone, extremely sharp chorus effects can be achieved.

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