Training Boxing timer schematic

Posted on Feb 7, 2014

Making a timer that is used for circuit training or boxing training etc. Here is the cycle I am looking for. This does not need any input, but to reset the timer to the beginning. its a simple project why not making it simpler by using a microcontroller you will not invest much take the pic12f635 for example, costs less than 2$ on top of that a few analog components that you are going buy anyways.

Training Boxing timer schematic
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

You`ve got 7 equal intervals in total; use a 30-second 555 astable clocking a 4017, taking outputs 1-5, 6, 7, reset after the full cycle. For the short buzz, the 4017 output to the light switcher also (through steering diodes) starts a second 555 monostable connected to the buzzer. The circuit needed is one which gives a short (timed) buzz even if the operating switch/button is held closed, so the start of the 30 seconds for which the lamp is lit sets it going for, say, only 1 second or less. That is what I thought. Thanks again. Here is the first attempt at the circuit without the buzzer. I used the divide by 10 for the first 5 counts to eliminate using diodes. Please be kind, this is first attempt. I am not EE I just play one on TV. Note: The schematic program i used could not jump over the connection at pin 8. Pin 6 and reset do not connect to pin 8. This is a crude attempt to jump over the connection. cpemma, you mentioned steering diodes. I think I know what you are talking about, but could I use the LED`s as steering diodes, or is the bias reversed How would they be connected cpemma, you mentioned steering diodes. I think I know what you are talking about, but could I use the LED`s as steering diodes, or is the bias reversed How would they be connected On the Bill Bowden traffic lights circuit I linked, the 1N914 diodes are used to connect a block of 4017 outputs together so if any one of them is `high` that light is...

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