astable multivibrator

Posted on Feb 7, 2014

The capacitor C charges via R1 and R2 and when the voltage on the capacitor reaches 2/3 of the supply, pin 6 detects this and pin 7 connects to 0v. The capacitor discharges through R2 until its voltage is 1/3 of the supply and pin 2 detects this and turns off pin 7 to repeat the cycle. The scales on the graph are logarithmic so that 21k is approxi

astable multivibrator
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mately near the "1" on the 10k. Draw a line parallel to the lines on the graph and where it crosses the 0. 1u line, is the answer. The result is approx 900Hz. The scales on the graph are logarithmic so that 210k is approximately near the first "0" on the 100k. Draw a line parallel to the lines on the graph and where it crosses the 1u line, is the answer. The result is approx 9Hz.

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