electronic combination lock LS7220

Posted on Feb 5, 2014

The following diagram is a very easy and simple electronic combination lock based on IC LS7220. Component Part List: C1 = 1uF 25V C2 = 220uF 25V R1 = 2. 2K Ohm Q1 = 2N3904 / 2N2222 D1 = 1N4148 / 1N4001-1N4007 K1 = 12V SPDT Relay / Any appropriate relay with 12V coil U1 =. This is the circuit diagram electronic door lock security key system. It mea

electronic combination lock LS7220
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

ns that this security system circuit is the combination of pressed key itself (not the mechanical), the output can be connected to drive the relay to open the door (usually using motor). It is a quite simple circuit of electronic door lock with. Here the circuit diagram of electronic siren based NE555. This circuit produces a sound like factory siren. It applies a 555 timer IC which is utilized as an astable multivibrator of a center frequency of about 300Hz. The frequency is controlled by the pin 5 of the IC. When the power supply is switched ON, . Here the short wave AM Transmitter circuit design diagram. The circuit is quite simple and easy to build since it applies only a few electronic components. The primary feature of this transmitter is that it really is absolutely free from the LC (inductor, capacitor) tuned circuit and runs using a fixed frequency of 12 MHz.

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