electronic liquid detector circuit

Posted on Feb 6, 2014

This electronic liquid detector circuit diagram is based on the ULN2429A monolithic bipolar integrated circuit designed for detecting the absence or presence of many different types of liquids. The absence or presence of the liquid is determined by comparing the loaded probe resistance (probe immersed in the fluid ) with an internal or external r

electronic liquid detector circuit
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esistance. At the output you can connect a LED, incandescence lamp, loud speaker or even such relays or solenoids, but just I you connect at pin 12 a capacitor, to provide a dc output ( typically the output signal is a square wave ). If you need to connect at the output a device that need more than 30 volts you can use the ULN2429A-1 which is identical, but support devices with operation up to 50 volts. Main features of the ULN2429A are : high output current, AC or DC output, single wire probe, low external parts require, reverse voltage protection, internal voltage regulation.

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