flipflop What happens when theres no specific input variable on a logic diagram using a JK flip flop

Posted on Feb 6, 2014

Q1 and Q2. to form a table, on the left side, list the the four possible states of Q1, Q2; on the right side, write the values that Q1 and Q2 will assume after the next clock pulse. The table will then contain a complete description of the state machine. JustJeff May 26 `11 at 0:53 thanks. when there`s a diagram like this, would you assume the output is the

flipflop What happens when theres no specific input variable on a logic diagram using a JK flip flop
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Q` on the right-hand JK flipflop On the other one`s i`ve seen it usually specifically shows the output. I need to make a state diagram, so would I just omit the intput/output value that`s usually included on the paths between the nodes

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