how lcd display interface circuit works 20

Posted on Feb 7, 2014

An LCD -liquid crystal display is an electronically-modulated optical device made up of any number of pixels filled with liquid crystals and arrayed in front of a light source (backlight) or reflector to produce images in color or monochrome. The block diagram shows the LCD gets a data source from the application processor, so therefore LCD is bei

how lcd display interface circuit works 20
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ng controlled by the application processor to produce a detail images, LED is a light emitting diode that can produce light, this light source of an LED is the one that reflect at the back of an LCD, without this LED light reflection on the back of an LCD it will result a black or dark screen displays. LCD also needs a power supply voltage to activate its liquid crystal arrays inside of it, so that is why a voltage supply is also very important for that matter. An LCD Display Circuit Schematic diagram of a mobile phones below interprets how the whole circuitry of an LCD being connected and designed. A circuit start from an application processor that controls and sends data to LCD connector which where the LCD is being connected. Before the data reach to the LCd connector it is being filtered for Electromagnet Interference protection. The LED light circuit and a power supply voltage is also provided for it is also work an important part on LCD circuit. The picture below interprets the schematic diagram above on how each components layout are being mounted on a particular mobile phones printed circuit board.

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