why have my power dooe locks lost the power to operate correctly

Posted on Feb 7, 2014

The longer the locks are not used with either the remote or central lock button, the stronger the power surge to the door lock motors. After being `activated` even once, it is like it drains all the power out of the capacitor or whatever stores the charge if indeed this is the case. two three attempts in a relatively short time and they become ver

why have my power dooe locks lost the power to operate correctly
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y tired. I am thinking that perhaps you have one of the door actuator motors (for the locks) that might be sticking (mechanically). So if you notice one of them starting to not open or close in the near future, you might want to think about replacing it, or getting to the mechanism and lubricating it. As for the fuse blowing, that may actually be OK, especially if the amp is on at the same time the door locks are switched ON or OFF several times. The locks are not really supposed to be used like that, just in short bursts. On to the circuit. There are two main components (besides the motors) that need to be working to supply power to the locks. They are the Circuit Breaker and the Door Lock Relay (see schematic below). What I would do is remove the circuit breaker from its socket and make sure the contacts are clean, at both the socket and the circuit breaker. This is designed to open the circuit after being used for a longer period of time (as mentioned above). The Door Lock Relay is located under the center of the Instrument Panel, near the remote control door lock receiver. I would also remove it and check the contacts of both the socket and the relay itself. I will see if I can get you a drawing of where these parts are located. Ask-a-doc Web sites: If you`ve got a quick question, you can try to get an answer from sites that say they have various specialists on hand to give quick answers. Justanswer. com. Traffic on...

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