SR63 holiday lights ASIC

Posted on Nov 10, 2015

220V AC after VDI ~ VD4 bridge rectifier, the output of a point, all the way to direct electricity for lights H1 ~ H4; another way through Rl buck, VD5 regulator, about 5v DC o

SR63 holiday lights ASIC
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utput voltage, the electricity supply manifold A. R2, R3 form a voltage divider provides a synchronization signal for the manifold A. RP1, R4, C3 and SR63 within the oscillator circuit system, adjust the value of the RPI system can change the oscillation frequency rate, muscle and can be adjusted four lights chase speed. RP2 inner circuit dimming oscillator circuit, the adjustment value of RP2 can change the speed and dimming lights bright and dark contrast. FIG DIM, Sl, so, TIP missed four control terminal t in the actual production should be connected with a switch or a switching operation according to the pattern need to refer to table 2-41.

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