Thumbwheel programmable interval timer

Posted on Apr 11, 2012

Switch programmable on/off or interval timer, has three relay-switched outputs. Output one is active for the duration of time 1, output two is active for the duration of time 2, and output three is active for the duration of both one and two. Timing data is input through 6 BCD-encoded thumbwheel switches. Three SPST switches inform the WD-55 to interpret this data as NNN seconds. NNN seconds, NNN minutes, or NNN hours

Thumbwheel programmable interval timer
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

The LED display will show the time remaining and the countdown when operating. Since the data is input through switches, the display may be deleted. Also, since the timing information is read from switches, the data is nonvolatile and no battery backup is required.

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