Optimized 10-element UHF Yagi Antenna

Posted on Apr 3, 2012

The elements diameter of the antenna may vary between 5...8mm and the dipole diameter may vary between 8...12mm (12mm recommended) without the need of changing anything to the length or spacing. All elements except the dipole are electrically connected to the boom and may be mounted on top or through it.

Optimized 10-element UHF Yagi Antenna
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

The thickness/diameter of the boom may vary between 10...15mm. Bazooka tube: 15cm diameter 10mm (for Aircel etc.), 15cm diameter 15mm (for H100, Aircom+ etc.) Use an isolator type boom (plastic tube, wood, fiberglass) if you mount the antenna vertical t

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