Guitar Reverb Effect

Posted on Apr 27, 2012

This circuit features clipping indicators on the preamp and reverb recovery stages, allowing for the optimal gain settings. The guitar input stage is a class A amplifier with adjustable bias. A 2N3906 PNP tranistor is used for a low noise design on this stage. The output of the preamp stage is sent to three places: the output mixer amp, the reverb driver amp, and the input clipping detector. The reverb driver amp consists of a phase inverting push-pull circuit made from dual sections of a 5532 high quality audio op-amp.

Guitar Reverb Effect
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

The transformer matches the impedance of the driver amplifer to the reverb driver coil and allows a dual phase driving signal to power a reverb coil with one grounded side. The transformer is a standard "70 volt" audio line transformer that is o

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