Guitar Vibrato circuit

Posted on Mar 11, 2013

The circuit of the unit is fairly simple, but is a bit irksome to set up. The reason is that obtaining matched FETs is not easy, so I had to make sure that the circuit would work with off-the-shelf FETs. The phase shifter is a standard opamp circuit, and has been used for this sort of application many times. After experimenting with alternative variable resistors, I decided that the FET was still the best choice, although they are fairly critical to set up, and have linearity problems.

Guitar Vibrato circuit
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

The circuit is conventional, except for the EFFECT control. With this, you can select the clean signal direct from the buffer stage, the fully phase (and hence frequency) modulated signal from the output of U2A, or a mixture of the two. With the pot centr

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