Multi-unit slip motor speed control system synchronous operation circuit

Posted on Mar 28, 2007

Collaboration with the dancers balanced bridge long on the porcelain unit Sync adjustment rheostat speed control system shown in Figure 3 to 183 in FIG. Others, such as electro

Multi-unit slip motor speed control system synchronous operation circuit
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magnetic, photoelectric dancers speed control principle is similar. FIG, BQ2 main motor so that the slip (i.e., as a reference speed) of the field winding, BQi and BQ3 are oriented so that the slip of the front and rear of the motor slip motor field winding. RPz based order potentiometer, which can be adjusted to change the entire system (ie, three motor slip) speed. TGi ~ TG3 for the three tachometer generator, they are connected with the respective electromagnetic slip clutch shaft of the motor. Adjust potentiometer 1RP1 (2RPi, 3RPl) can change the size of each slip motor speed negative feedback voltage (may cause speed changes). lRP2 (2RP2,3RP2) the sensitivity potentiometer, which can be adjusted to change a corresponding slip speed of the motor. Dish rheostat RP., RPb to coordinate three slip speed of the motor, so that they run synchronously.

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