Conveyor control Ladder

Posted on Mar 28, 2007

According to the characteristics of the system, using the drum controller to achieve the above requirements, the design of the ladder as shown in FIG. As follows: 1) C631, C633

Conveyor control Ladder
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as a drum controller, which counts pulses generated by the T630, the pulse period is sequentially stopped at 5s C633. Use, its counting pulses generated by the T643, the pulse period is 5s. 2) after the start signal is active. T630 produces a pulse every 5s, C631 step, the corresponding pair of normally open contacts closed, the equipment along the sequence start. 3) After the stop signal is active, T633 produces a pulse every 5s, C633 step, and when it reaches the appropriate time, a corresponding pair of normally closed contacts closed, the equipment order to stop. (4) Conclusion In this case sand production line automatic control, for example, according to transport sand, sand and grind roller conveyor system flow characteristics, were used for the timer, drum controller, a shift register sequence control ladder the design of. As can be seen, PLC in order to control side surfaces powerful, has a wealth of programming instructions, user program design flexible, convenient and very suitable delivery systems such as automation and control production lines.

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