Extended delta decompression starter control circuit

Posted on Dec 11, 2010

Extended delta decompression starter, that is, when the motor starts its three -phase winding set to take part, eatY coupling, connected to another part of links, the entire ex

Extended delta decompression starter control circuit
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tended delta windings are to be completed motor starter, three-phase stator windings into coupling operation. Extended delta decompression starter control circuit shown in Figure 4u 13. Start-up, press the start button SB2, KM1 contactor is energized and self-locking, three-phase power supply via KM1 main contact is connected to the outlet side of the motor 3 Ul, Vl, Wl. Meanwhile contactor KM2 was electric pull, KM2 main contact is closed, respectively, U2, V3, V2, W3, W2, U3 connected Yanbian j angle, electric pressure machine start. At the same time, KT coil is energized, after a delay period of time, often wide KT j contacts disconnect power contactor KM2 release, U2, V3, V2, w3, W2, U3 uncoupled; KT normally open contact closure, KM3 was electric pull. Respectively Ul, w2, f, U2, Wl, V2 reconnect the stator winding connected into coupling into the motor full voltage operation.

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