Disco Smoke controller

Posted on Nov 23, 2012

When the power is connected to the circuit by turning on SW2, RELAY1 get energized for the time it get for it to load C3 through R1 and R3. After that the relay get de-energized, C3 gets discharged through R2 and R4. The setting of R2 determines the discharge time which can be up to 1 minute. After C3 is discharged, the releay is activated. C3 charging starts again. The charging of C3 take around 2 seconds. After that relay is de-energized and C3 discharge starts again. Every time the relay is energised, the smoke machine is set to push out smoke.

Disco Smoke controller
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

Some remarks of the remote controller wiring: The use of the wires is quite non-traditional (ground pin used for other thing than safety ground !) When switch connects GND to the N wire, the smoke machine puts out smoke When there is voltage between L and GND, the lamp in the controller (GLIMM lamp and resistor) lights to show that fogger is heating up. Because of this special wiring is is dangrous to connect anything else than the original coontroller to the fogger. It is potentially dangerous to connect this controller to a normal mains outlet, because pressing the button will short one line wires to ground. But anyway that was ho the original product was designed. If I were the redigned of the smoke machine, I would have done the thing a little bit differently. If you want more information on the insides of the Superstar FZ-920 smoke machine, take a look at my crude drawing of the circuits inside FX-920 smoke machine. To make this circuit remotely controllable, all I had to do was to add relay on parallel with the existing button on the controller and make a circuit which controls that relay. The time it puts out smoke is around 2 seconds, which was adequate to put out enough smoke fluid that the smoke machine puts out smoke for a brief amount. The iime between the smoke output is adjustable from practically constant smoke output to one minute pause between brief bursts of smoke. NOTE: The wiring of the...

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