Car anti-theft alarm circuit

Posted on Mar 28, 2007

This paragraph Easy Car Alarm circuit with the use of fewer components, easy to produce and so on. (1) circuit automobile anti-theft alarm circuit by the time base circuit NE555, power switch VT, the switch S2, the

Car anti-theft alarm circuit
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delay capacitor C and a resistor feet, ~ wind and other components, as shown in Figure 13-34. Sl (Sla, Slb) automotive ignition switch (open lock off). GB is a car battery, Re is the car with the ignition additional limiting resistor coil used. (2) circuit works in normal vehicle start-up operation , the switch S2 placed b-point, anti-theft circuit does not work. During the car is parked, S2 placed a point where if turned Sl, the + 12V voltage through Ri charges C IC so that pin and foot potential rise gradually while lC output of foot high level, so that VT conduction, the ignition circuit is turned on, the engine unit can start. After a few seconds delay. c charging is completed, IC's feet and to foot potential rise when 8V, IC triggers internal flip, which feet from high to low, VT cut-off, the ignition circuit is turned off, automatic engine flameout, Cars can not be driven away. Starting off with the engine sound repeatedly, the equivalent of an alarm signal.

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