Car lights dimming circuit

Posted on Mar 28, 2007

1 Bute CD12V Lee output end of the eight-connected MOSFET power transistor BU * {1RF744) im JUV bone made this power MOSFET is turned on and should go off repeatedly called to ask L packet

Car lights dimming circuit
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bundle coup output voltage, power on the pure silicon to cut lung width than the power MOSFET on the break, with house ... Orlando coefficient Cambodia large section of the output voltage is small, an analogue timing scarves 11.C555 foot waxy Jc, it is the gate to a frequency of about iOOkllz r hall is oscillation path. Oh regulator R only "change vertical oscillation wave Hall {quite rate oscillator input side of the mountain crossing is intended to trigger the monostable multi-vibrator i travel all device 4528. rinse {il fog monostable multivibrator output pulse width on the world control J, [and raw coefficients, you can achieve the purpose of the coup when the output voltage Hl Rn resistance to deep house accounted for the largest d coefficient 100% power disobedient.. MOSFET all-i-turn, the output voltage is close J2V; ridicule .. m small m value decreases the space factor accounted Lan small pulse width to a few hundred microseconds turtle, the output voltage will be - left to play a single drop IV Liu Yan Zhi multivibrator. the end of the follow-up lotus then l rC426 to pay - booths built driver IC 'Gan I "W, j driving power MOSFET, etc. - spin . explanatory power of the load circuit causes Cheng Chuan power transistor MOSFET (LRF244) drawer - species IrJ- . 50A, Rn (ON) = 0,028n high performance Jf Gou Fu pipe, the input capacitance of 19ffl) pF, Iti has been impossible to pass MOS lC-speed driving such roundworm cylinders are capacitive load - 0 compartment for the power supply filter capacitor zinc, DC - DC converter is a main power supply and the output terminal between Z f Gao holding isolation to reduce noise, then the common mode choke ,, r m L .; ridicule it .C, * and G scale is suppressed. surge voltage buffer circuit access, I _ for the freewheeling diode.

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