10 GHZ Transverter

Posted on Feb 5, 2014

A number of ham radio operators have made their start on the 10 GHz amateur band using commercial-surplus microwave transceivers made by M/A-Com. These units were originally built in white-painted metal enclosures and are known as `White Boxes` They can be modified to operate as transverters (transceiving converters) to convert the signals from an

10 GHZ Transverter
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amateur VHF transceiver to the amateur 10 GHz band. The VHF transceiver is known as the intermediate frequency (IF) transceiver in this application. Modifying a White Box for ham radio service usually involves removing the equipment from the box and keeping just the main tray containing the desired parts. My White Box had been partly modified by the late Dr. Arthur Schulman, VE3ZV for use by Steve, VE3TFU. Steve generously gave it to me, and another Steve, VE3SMA kindly completed the modifications to the RF circuitry before I received the unit. Steve has modified other White Boxes and his paper describing the process is on the Downloads page of this website. For my White Box, he removed the receive filter in the transverter module and added a new receive connector but otherwise followed the procedure in his paper. The main parts of use in ham service are the RF unit, the local oscillator (LO) unit and the linear regulator board as shown in Figure 1, a photo of the unit as Steve received it. I had to do the following things in order to get it on the air : My goals were to keep the wiring within the White Box simple, to make it easy to build. To make it easy to operate, I wanted to make the external control, DC and RF wiring simple as well. As a result, I decided to design a printed circuit board for the control and sequencing. Designing the pcb to handle much of the internal and external interconnection allowed me to fit...

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