1996Ford Windstar: connector console thebucketseats 12volts

Posted on Feb 7, 2014

A 1996 Ford Windstar and the connector at the bottom of the console between the bucket seats reads 6 volts (VOM) and not the 12 volts expected from a cigarette/accessory connector. The 6 Volts is solid and 2 cigarette lighter connectors are available the yield 12 volts. Where can I find a schematic or information about this. The owners manual is only a text listing. Edit: this is my Maiden voyage on Just

1996Ford Windstar: connector console thebucketseats 12volts
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answer. com; I am not in need for 3 12v connector ports; I just want to know how to get schematic information about this connector port; Proper voltage specification on this port; the repair costs at a Ford dealer would be out of line for this simple problem; I need to buy a Ford electrical Schematic for a 1996 windstar The connector is a the base of the 1996 Windstar console and is not a cigar lighter. the connector appears to be an Accessory connector for cigar type power invertor of vehicle chargers. The Power at the console is 6 volts I Believe my real question is only where can i get a schematic that defines the proper voltage for this console connector. I am looking for the Accept button Connect your voltmeter between a good ground and the power supply wire = you will get 6 Volt, then connect a test bulb ( usual 12V bulb) between the ground and this power supply wire. If your voltmeter readings drops to zero volts, you have a bad contact somewhere in the power suplly circuit. At first check the voltage at the Fuse#22. Thank You. I will type Accept button. the power Plug is in Parrallel with the rear cigar lighter. The Rear cigar lighter power is 12 volt AOK. the power Plug is 6 volt with a bad connection problem. With Me luck and than you very much. Ask-a-doc Web sites: If you`ve got a quick question, you can try to get an answer from sites that say they have various specialists on hand to give quick answers....

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