22Watt x 2 audio amplifier

Posted on Feb 7, 2014

22Watt x 2 audio amplifier circuit diagram. This circuit uses IC TDA 1558 from Philips. TDA1558 is a monolithic integrated class-B Output power amplifier in 17-lead single-in-line (SIL) plastic package. The amplifier based on the class H from Philips audio amplifier IC, it can deliver 36WRMS and 70W power music, all from the supply voltage of 13.8V. This amplifier ca

22Watt x 2 audio amplifier
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n provide 36WRMS continuous into 4ohm load when using a13. 8V supply. However, it is able to deliver 70W output power signal(music)inthe dynamic condition. As we can see from the drawing sand schematic diagrams, this powerful amplifier uses onlyfewpart. As we can see from the schematic drawings and diagrams, this powerful amplifier uses only few part. It is builton a PCB size 104mm x 39mm, but even though its size may be simple, but not with his ability. This amplifier also has excellent noise.

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