24 Ghz

Posted on Feb 5, 2014

The thought of going to 24 GHz was far from my mind back in the summer of 2002. We had just come back from the Central States VHF convention in Madison Wisconsin where I had done a bit of chatting about it, but nothing serious. With Jenna just being born, I was pretty busy with family stuff. I recall a few guys giving me a hard time about it, and

24 Ghz
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me saying "not for a few years yet". As the winter bore down, things were pretty well getting on line with raising the kids and I did manage to find again some spare time. I recall giving Donn, WA2VOI a call on the phone about 24 GHz and the ins and outs of it. Having no idea what or where to start, Donn gave me lots of good ideas and told me about where he and Bob - WG AUS, were at with their 24 GHz project. That kind of got me fired up and I began to do a lot of research on the Web as well as do some talking with Gerry at SSB Electronics. Gerry also put me in touch with Walt, WA1HHN. Walt had built a few 24 GHz stations for their contest group and I began emailing with him back and forth. Walt had lots of info and was happy to share it. I also got in touch with Paul Drexler, W2PED. Paul was resource for 24 GHz power amplifiers I was told. Amplifier projects were being done over there for the Pack Rats and Microwave Update members, and Paul was involved with that effort. Here is a link to that story. I first started out by spending a month looking for WR-42 waveguide pieces and parts. Not a whole lot to be found on ebay. But there were a few waveguide manufacturers that had lots of good info on WR-42. I gave a call out to Penn Engineering in California and spoke with one of their waveguide salesmen. I indicated that I was a "Ham" and was considering getting on 24 GHz. So after we chatted a bit, it was decided that he would...

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