25W HiFi Audio Amplifier with MOSFET

Posted on Feb 4, 2014

Can be directly connected to CD players, tuners and tape recorders. Simply add a 10K Log potentiometer (dual gang for stereo) and a switch to cope with the various sources you need. A correct grounding is very important to eliminate hum and ground loops. Connect in the same point the ground sides of R1, R4, R9, C3 to C8. Connect C11 at output grou

25W HiFi Audio Amplifier with MOSFET
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nd. Then connect separately the input and output grounds at power supply ground. This circuit diagram is quite simple and cheap. Amplifier parts: P1 = 22K Log. Potentiometer (Dual-gang for stereo) R1 = 1K 1/4W Resistor R2 = 4K7 1/4W Resistor R3 = 100R 1/4W Resistor R4 = 4K7 1/4W Resistor R5 = 82K 1/4W Resistor R6 = 10R 1/2W Resistor R7 = R22 4W Resistor (wirewound) R8 =. Simple and cheap mixer circuit. This circuit supplied using 9V power supply. There is high/low-sensitivity switchable inputs for each input channel. Component part list: P1, P2, P3_5K Linear Potentiometers R1, R11, R15_180K 1/4W Resistors R2, R12, R16_2M2 1/4W Resistors R3, R13, R17_750R 1/4W Resistors (See Notes) R4, R14, R18_1K 1/4W Resistors R5_15K 1/4W Resistor R6_220R 1/4W Resistor R7_1K5 1/4W Resistor R8_820R 1/4W Resistor R9_150R 1/4W. Here the circuit diagram of 25 watt high fidelity audio amplifier that build based on single Power Amplifier IC LM1875. Component part list R1 _ 1K R2 _ 1M R3 _ 22K R4 _ 10K R5 _ 180K R6 _ 1R IC1 _ LM1875 C1 _ 1uF 50V C2, 6 _ 100nF C3 _ 22uF 63V. Build based operational amplifier NE5532 and a couple of power transistor TIP41A / TIP42A, this audio amplifier circuit has capability to deliver up to 10W audio power output into 8 ohm speaker. Amplifier Parts list: P1 22K = Log. Potentiometer P2 = 100K Log. Potentiometer R1 = 820R R2, R4, R8 = 4K7 R3 = 500R Trimpot. This is the circuit of dancing LEDs which consists of 10...

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