3 Band Audio Equalizer Circuit

Posted on Feb 4, 2014

This 3 band equalizer circuit is an active filter network for bass, mid and high audio ranges. It is designed around the LM833 opamp from National Semiconductors. The output of this 3 way graphic equalizer is designed to be DC coupled, however due to slight DC variations through the 100K potentiometers at the feedback lines of the opamp A2, a coup

3 Band Audio Equalizer Circuit
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

ling capacitor might be needed. The maximum equalizer range is about 15 dB. In the middle position of potentiometer, the noise attenuation is about 90 dB with a bandwidth of 1 MHz and a gain of 0 dB. The gain can be changed through R2 using the following formula: Vu = R2/R1.

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