3v low battery voltage flasher

Posted on Feb 5, 2014

The hobby circuit below can be connected to a 3v battery, to give you some warning when the battery is nearing its end of life. It will flash a LED when the battery voltage drops to about 2. 4 volts. The electronic circuit draws only 1ua of current in standby mode and jumps to only 20ua when flashing, so it can safely be included without depleting the battery energy. A voltage

3v low battery voltage flasher
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

detector IC from Panasonic (Microchip also makes similar devices) is used to monitor the battery voltage. The device`s open drain output swings low, when the battery voltage is below 2. 4 to 2. 5 volts. This action turns on the two transistor oscillator circuit, which drives the LED with short current pulses lasting only 2ms.

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