5 Watt Class-A Audio Amplifier Circuit diagram

Posted on Feb 5, 2014

This solid-state push-pull single-ended Class A circuit is capable of providing a sound comparable to those valve amplifiers, delivering more output power (6. 9W measured across a 8 Ohm loudspeaker cabinet load), less THD, higher input sensitivity and better linearity. Voltage and current required for this circuit are 24V and 700mA respectively, co

5 Watt Class-A Audio Amplifier Circuit diagram
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

mpared to 250V HT rail and 1A @ 6. 3V filament heating for valve-operated amplifiers. The only penalty for the transistor operated circuit is the necessity of using a rather large Heatsink for Q2 and Q3 (compared to the maximum power delivered). In any case, the amount of heat generated by this circuit can be comparable to that of a one-valve amplifier. An optional bass-boost facility can be added, by means of R5 and C5. Total current drawing of the circuit, best measured by inserting the probes of an Avo-meter across the positive output of the power supply and the positive rail input of the amplifier, must be 700mA. Adjust R8 to obtain this value if necessary.

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