52W SMPS AC-DC Adapter

Posted on Feb 5, 2014

One AC-DC converter that provides a good accuracy is SMPS AC-DC converter. Test data shows efficiency of 85. 4% at 230 Vac input and 6A output current and 83. 2% at 115 Vac input and 6A output current. This converter has the universal input voltage range. containing 92 to 276 Vac variation with only 24 mV change in the output voltage. picture below

52W SMPS AC-DC Adapter
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shows the circuit: Toggling off PB1 power push button at Vin= 230 Vac resutlt 0. 17W and at Vin= 115 Vac result in 0. 07 W power consumption. this circuit has very low power consumption. [Schematic diagram source: Motorola Analog IC Device Data] This is a circuit that produces constant current constant voltage SMPS. To efficiently charge a battery, we can use constant current constant voltage SMPS. This circuit produces 600 mA at constant current mode and 7. 2V at constant voltage mode. Here Continue reading †’. This circuit is called power factor controller with universal input circuit. It has input range about 90 to 268Vac. Any standards of mains supply in almost any country would be under that range. Maximum load of this power factor controller Continue reading †’. Capacitive power supply is one variation of uninsulated AC to DC adapter. This circuit consist of resistor, capacitors, diode and zener diode. This circuit will allow the constant voltage to across C1. The input current`s average should be equal to Continue reading †’. When the source of the sound is only intermittently exist, it`s better to turn on the tape recording only when it really present. We can control a tape recorder to switch a tape recorder on when audio is present by Continue reading †’. All types of transistors including Darlington and power will be tested in this project. Connect the 9v battery around the other way at points A and B to test PNP...

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