555 Timer with a Speaker

Posted on Feb 4, 2014

555 Timers are very fun to encounter and experiment with. They can be used as a timer and can be set to a certain frequency. In Part II of Electronic Project I, we created a circuit that would get an LED to flash. This time we are going to add a speaker so that we can hear the frequency that is being emitted. · I did not put an estimate next to t

555 Timer with a Speaker
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his one because it can vary depending on the quality and how much you are willing to invest in a speaker. Speakers can be bought or purloined from an old boombox or stereo that you don`t need or want. For a refresher on how to insert chips into board, see Part V. Next, make power and ground connections to the chip as shown to the right. It is typically a good habit to have red wire be exclusively power and black exclusively ground. If problems arise, you can easily pick out where power and ground is traveling. Next, add the potentiometer and LED to the board (as pictured to the left). These are the next important components in this circuit. Make sure to place the potentiometer so that the pins are in different rows; see Part IV for a refresher on how to plug potentiometers into the board. Using a different color than red or black, connect pin 2 to pin 6 (I used yellow wire). The 1 F capacitor was inserted (as can be seen to the left). This capacitor is of ceramic type and so it doesn`t matter which lead is connected to ground or the chip. If you have a polarized capacitor, make sure that the "+" side is toward the chip or that the " " side is toward ground. In the image to the right, I added a grey wire to a resistor and connected the other side of the resistor to the LED. Next I added a wire connecting the "ccw" and "w" pins on the potentiometer (the minuscule wire is circled in orange). I also connected the middle pin of...

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