
Posted on Feb 4, 2014

I tried photo paper, telephone book paper, color pages of magazines, dextrin covered paper, the various catalogs of electronic supply companies. I tried different temperatures of the hot iron, higher & lower pressure. I tried different board cleaning methods, different chemicals, until I could cut the chemicals  down to the etching agent & maybe isopropyl alcohol (a cheap vodka would do as well).

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Of the etchants I tried two: Ferrum-III-chloride (FeCl3) & sodium persulphate (NaS2O8) but want to try etching with copper-II-chloride (CuCl2) as an e-friendly closed cycle alternative. Now here is my recipe at the moment: My Website s logo was inspired by a traffic sign I saw on the Belgian Autobahn some years ago. This little graphic adventure is some vectorgraphic work I did about signs for ice, frost & snow flakes & permutations thereof. If the real  Belgian ice warning sign looks like I recall it, I could not verify despite devoting some effort to searching for it. Even when using SMD, from time to time we need to drill some holes for through-hole-connections. I searched the web to find a better way before I start electroplating. Instead of using little bits of wire I found a novel way, which at least for me is 10 times faster: In summer 2009 I had a discussion with a friend of mine Andrzej WrG³blewski aka Bohomaz, stencil artist, about vector based pattern generation. This inspired me to do some visual studies in spirographics. Here you find some full resolution pdf especially the first is a bit heavy in pdf rendering but hey, it is A3 and easily can be printed out in A0 (all are Creative Commons 3. 0 BY-NC-SA licensed): Today Sergio from Mexico found an old documentation of a sequencer I made in 2007 for Piksel Festival. It contained several small errors, so here is the updated version of this nice 8-Step-Sequencer....

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