8x8x8 LED Cube

Posted on Feb 6, 2014

You will need 512 properly working LEDs in the lattice. They will need to be stable and bright. This step will show you how to separate the faulty ones from the usable ones. Lots of times there are broken LEDs, especially when they come in large packages. The damage may be noticeable but sometimes it is not. Start by bending the shorter leg (the cathode)

8x8x8 LED Cube
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

at a 90 degree angle. Hook it up to a power supply and run 3V across it. You can do this with 2 AA batteries in series, but I had a power supply with alligator clips. Either way, just make sure the LEDs are working before you begin to solder. Create an 8x8x8 template so you can create the layers. You will need a peg board and you will need to drill holes into the peg board to space the LEDs 1/2" apart. I put foil over my rig to hold the LEDs in place so that they wouldn`t move while I solder, otherwise theywould jiggle to much. Use the LEDs to punch holes into the foil. The picture should show you how to do it, but basically have all of the LEDs in the row facing the same way. Begin with the corner first. The corner row should be 90 degrees facing the other way. You should also align each LED so it is just barely touching the next one. When you solder, don`t hold the iron more than 2 seconds on the LED, otherwise it can be damaged. Apply minimal solder between each LED. Cut a piece of wire longer than the length of your layer and strip off the insulation. Place the long, stripped wire into a vice and pull hard to straighten it. You can do this with another set of pliers as well. You should feel the wire get longer and straighter as you pull. Once it is straight enough, place it on the opposite end of the layer and solder it on the cathodes to stabilize the rear end. Do this once more for the middle section, as now it is...

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