99 nissan sentra

Posted on Feb 7, 2014

A 99 nissan sentra 1. 6 I recently put a new motor in and I have no power to my coil. I have changed all sensors back to my origanal. I do have ignition power and power to the crank sensor. It sounds like there is an open circuit from the ignition switch to the coil. The coil should have power when the key is on regardless of any sensor inputs. I woudl focus on checking the wiring circuit and connectors that run from the

99 nissan sentra
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ignition switch to the condenser to the coil in the wiring schematic below: If the sensors arent plugged in correctly would that cuase power loss. I have ignition power to everything else including all my fuses. So it is more likely to not be the computer or any vaccuums. When we took it to the shop they told me that there was possibly a loose wire somewhere but he could not find it to save his life. Try this. If you are not getting power to the ignition coil, try attaching a jumper wire from the batery positive(+) directly to the coil positive (+). If you now get spark and the engine starts, you`ve confirmed there`s a bad wire somewhere. Use the wiring diagram I sent you to trace the wires. Check continuity of the wires with with an ohmmeter (key off only), or use a voltmeter to check for voltage (key on) going backwards from the coil positive to the switch (unpolug and check all of the connectors) until you find the dead spot where the power is not getting through. Then replace the bad wire or connector. Ask-a-doc Web sites: If you`ve got a quick question, you can try to get an answer from sites that say they have various specialists on hand to give quick answers. Justanswer. com. Traffic on JustAnswer rose 14 percent. and had nearly 400, 000 page views in 30 days. inquiries related to stress, high blood pressure, drinking and heart pain jumped 33 percent.

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