Adjustable Analog Timer Circuit

Posted on Feb 5, 2014

This Adjustable Analog Timer circuit starts timing when switched on. A green LED lights to show that timing is in progress. When the time period is over the green LED turns off, a red LED turns on and a bleeper sounds. The time period is set by a variable resistor and it can be adjusted from 1 to 10 minutes (approximately). It could be used to set

Adjustable Analog Timer Circuit
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a time limit when playing games or as an egg-timer in the kitchen. This is a very simple adjustable analog timer circuit diagram. You can build this circuit just for fun, for newbie project or may be. , this circuit could be used to set a time limit when playing games or as an egg-timer in the kitchen. The circuit will start timing when switched on. The green LED. This circuit is designed to monitor the level of power capacity at 12V Lead-Acid battery. Battery power level will be indicated by LEDs. This easy circuit makes it possible to monitor the charging process to a higher level. Final adjustsments are simple and easy and the only device required is a digital voltmeter for the. Following is a circuit you can use to delay an electronic device to be disabled. For example, you can connect this circuit to the lamp in your room. When you turn off the lamp with a switch on the circuit, the lamp will remain lit in a certain period of time, before the lamp really. The following is LED Flasher circuit which use 2 transistors for LED switching. The circuit works similar to flip-flop operation. Component Parts List: R1 = 10M ohm R2 = 1K - 100K ohm R3 = 470 ohm C1 = 0. 47 F - 10 F/25V D1 = 1N914 Q1 = 2N3904 Q2 = 2N3906 Led = High Brightness. This is the diagram of Automatic 9V Battery Charger circuit. The circuit designed by Jan Hamer, translated by Tony Van Roon dan republished in this circuit diagram site. The circuit details...

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