Application of MSP430F149 one-chip computer in the target designator design

Posted on Feb 4, 2014

Designing the target designator on the basis of MSP430F149 one-chip computer, in order to meet the army field and set up the goal fast while training, and can be according to the needs of different tactics flexible to reveal the goal and bomb some, etc. according to different shooting rules, the ones that solved the army field and trained needed badly well.

Application of MSP430F149 one-chip computer in the target designator design
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Depending upon need, the target designator reveals the goal or bombs some by way of light, firework, etc. Goal of the all right n properties such as firing points, firing points of the tank of machine gun, big gun position of analog display of each indicating device, there is m one that bombs some display units at the same time. Task of revealing etc. of mainly finishing data acquisition, execution light revealing and firework of GPS module of the target designator. Design of target designator taking one-chip computer as the core, collect light reveal and firework reveal and target location reveal function apparent to accuse of the device on a integrative one. The key point designed includes: Guarantee devices designed can meet the needs of environment; Try hard to reduce the power consumption of the one-chip computer system, enable system to run normally for a long time; The software and hardware designed must be able to realize the strong function, run stably and reliably, finish functions such as execution and communication of the control command, etc. accurately; The device must possess operability and maintainability; Consider realizing the economic cost of this device on this basis. The target designator is used mainly for realizing the display function of the goal, its display form includes light, firework or sonic boom, it is made up by control chip, having wireless module, module, light display module, firework...

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