Basic Controls of a CRO

Posted on Feb 7, 2014

Number of controls are required to be provided on a panel of CRO to facilitate its proper functioning. Intensity control is provided for adjustment of brightness of the spot on the screen. It is accomplished by varying the voltage between the first and second anodes. The horizontal and vertical position controls are provided for moving the beam on

Basic Controls of a CRO
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any part of the screen. It is accomplished by applying a dc voltage to horizontal or vertical deflection plates. Similarly there are other numerous controls in a CRO, which will be discussed, in detail, here. The function of vertical deflection system is to provide an amplified signal of the proper level to drive the vertical deflection plates without introducing any appreciable distortion into the system. The input sensitivity of Many CROs is of the order of a few milli-volts per division and the voltage required for deflecting the electron beam varies from approximately 100 V (peak to peak) to 500 V depending on the accelerating voltage and the construction of the i tube. Thus the vertical amplifier is required to provide this desired gain from milli-volt input to several hundred volt (peak to peak) output. Also the vertical amplifier should not distort the input waveform and should have good response for entire band of frequencies to be measured. The deflection plates of CRO act as plates of a capacitor and when the input signal frequency exceeds over 1 MHz, the current required for charging and discharging of the capacitor formed by the deflection plates increases. So the vertical amplifier should be capable of supplying current enough to charge and discharge the deflection plate capacitor. As we know that electrical signal is delayed by a certain amount of time when transmitted through an electronic circuitry. In CRO,...

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