Basic tracked robot with Targeting Laser pod Tutorials

Posted on Feb 5, 2014

In this project we`ll be using the ATMEGA16 @16MHz. But as every project. it must have something special, something to be able to look different from other. But what I `ve seen many robots with photosensors (photovore, photophobe), many linefollowers, many object avoiders, some heat seakers, sumobots, micromouse and others. BUT, very few had a battery monitor. Most of them run on a new or freshly

Basic tracked robot with Targeting Laser pod Tutorials
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recharged battery. If the battery was drained and wasn`t simply enough capasity to feed the robot That`s why I incorporate a Dallas Semi DS2438 in my circuit board. I don`t like usually to advertise but this chip had everything. A current sensor, a voltage sensor, a thermometer and so other goodies we won`t be needing. Now navigation. Since it`ll be a simple navigator - free roaming robot (with some extra features) I`ll be using a simple IR_pair for the robot, but if I have time (aaa exams exams exams exams they are killing me!) I`ll also include a Sonar. The pair will consist of a TSOP1907 and some single IR Leds. And now it`s picture time. Since I have assebled the case years ago and don`t like to rip it up right now. I`ll be showing some basic pictures of the case of the robot explaining how it was built and which are the thoughts for the future =P. And here is the front view of the robot. As you can see the case is quite close to the ground but our subject here is not machining clearly but programming the robot behaviors. Here is the bottom view of the robot. It used to be used as a place for the batteries but as experience grow it teaches me to place the battery (and any other heavy thing) in the front of the robot to be able to climb hills with easy. But more details coming. And here is the machining tips for the wheels! I got some servo cross-like horns cutted `em to fit the inner of the wheel, placed a screw in an...

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