CDCF5801 Low Jitter PLL Based Multiplier/Divider With Programmable Delay Lines Down To Sub 10ps

Posted on Feb 4, 2014

The CF5019 series are high-frequency, 3rd overtone crystal Oscillator module ICs. They incorporate an oscilla- tor circuit and an output Buffer that operate at high frequency on a single chip. The Oscillator circuit employs CMOS inverters and a built-in damping resistor RD, reducing the crystal current compared with existing devices. The damping r

CDCF5801 Low Jitter PLL Based Multiplier/Divider With Programmable Delay Lines Down To Sub 10ps
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esistor RD is fabricated using NPCs unique high-precision thin-lm resistor technol- ogy, which suppresses Oscillator characteristic variations due to changes in temperature and voltage to a mini- mum. The CF5019 series CAN be utilized to construct stable, high-frequency, 3rd overtone crystal Oscillators By Nippon Precision Circuits Inc, (NPC)

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