Car security system design based on PIC microcontroller and GPS tracking

Posted on Feb 7, 2014

The actual anti-theft system is equipped with two frequency siren and connected to a vehicles immobilizer system. But in the laboratory simulation model; the change of operating modes, triggering of the siren and cutting off of the fuel supply to the engine is indicated by lighting of LEDs as well as from the computer through the serial communicat

Car security system design based on PIC microcontroller and GPS tracking
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ion. Instead of the Security key-pad, ON and OFF push buttons are incorporated in the simulation. In micro-controllers, logic 1 and logic 0 correspond to +5V and 0V respectively. But in the GPS module as well as in the computer, the logic 0 and logic 1 correspond to -15V and +15V respectively. Therefore, MAX232 IC has been incorporated to match the logic levels. The GPS receiver uses the NMEA standard with a baud rate of 4800 bps, therefore the serial communication baud rate of the PIC and the PC should also be 4800 bps. The system should be programmed to read NMEA standard messages. This GPS receiver has a high sensitivity and a reasonable positioning accuracy which is matching to the anti-theft system. The maximum operating temperature of the receiver is +80 °C which is way higher than the maximum temperature that could occur inside the vehicle and since a normal vehicle does not exceed a maximum velocity of 83 m/s and a maximum acceleration 4g, it is ensured that the selected GPS receiver is ideal for the anti-theft system. It was decided to fix the GPS receiver inside the casing of the cabin light. This location is selected because, it is well secured and it has a continuous power supply. The receiver`s access to the sky will not heavily weaken because of the roof. An electronic vehicle siren with a high and low tone will be used as the warning siren. The selected siren provides the both high and low frequency sirens....

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